This research was aimed at finding out the impact of public sector accounting in Nigeria financial control system using Esan south east local government area of Edo state as a case study. The purpose was to find out if the control of public fund adopted by the local government is appropriate, to determine whether the public sector accounting principle applied by the local government is appropriate and effective and also to investigate whether the source of revenue to the local government is enough for them etc. The population size used was the staff and members of Esan south east local government area of Edo state, out of which the sample size was selected using the Taro Yamani‟s sampling techniques. Data for this study were primarily and secondarily sourced. Chi-square was used to analyze the responses gotten from the distributed questionnaires. The findings made in this study are; the public accounting principles applied by the said local government area is inappropriate and ineffective and the control of public fund measures adopted is also inappropriate etc, based on the findings, it was concluded that the public sector accounting principles applied by the local government is inappropriate and also the control of public fund measures adopted was inappropriate. Recommendations were also made based on the findings which are, an account committee should be set up to control the accounting system of the said local government and monitor their day to day activities etc and when this is met, the goal of creating the local government will be achieved.
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Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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